Current Prices
True Wealth Retiring
$4,800 Annually
Rather than arbitrarily deriving our compensation from the value of an investor’s portfolio (ie 1%), we have built a retainer fee structure around the services that we provide. The size of your investment accounts is a poor gauge of the complexity of your financial life and therefore a poor gauge of the amount of time and resources necessary to provide you proper planning and advice
We firmly believe that a flat annual retainer fee is a more appropriate compensation method for a Registered Investment Advisor than the traditional percentage of assets under management. Our services do not vary appreciably between clients with larger or smaller portfolios, so our fee structure reflects this.
Your financial investment can be deducted through accounts we manage, or a monthly auto-draft from your bank account.
True Wealth Assessment
Your financial investment is paid directly from personal accounts (checking or savings) via a one-time payment.
Learn More About a True Wealth Assessment.
A Conversation with Mike
There are no financial investment (just a little time investment) associated with our first conversation.
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